Thursday, July 24, 2008

Meet the Family

Alaina had a big week last week. She met her Aunt Carolyn, who flew down from Canada to see her. She met her Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa, who drove out from Missouri to see her. She also met a bunch of aunts and uncles on her Granddad Marsh's side, but she doesn't really remember it because she slept through the family bbq. She was a trooper as she was passed around. I think she actually liked it.

Alaina & Aunt Carolyn

Alaina & Grandad

Alaina & Great-Grandpa Schafer

& Great-Grandma Schafer

Hello, Uncle Ben

Four Generations

In other news, she's starting to smile for real...on purpose. Aunt Carolyn managed to catch this one, although her best smiles come at 4:00 in the morning when I'm changing her diaper.

1 comment:

Becky said...

I just love the look on your dad's face when he is holding Alaina! I knew they would be such fun grandparents and it looks like they are having fun, too.