Friday, August 22, 2008

Things I Want To Do

Here are some things I want to do, but have yet to do:

Write every day - journal, blog, fiction, whatever. Writing is a muscle that has to be exercised, and I hate exercise. But I wish I would write something every day.

Floss every day - my hygenist and dear friend Shawnee would be so proud.

Try a Rachel Ray recipe - she uses the weirdest stuff. Why can't she come up with recipes for ground beef or chicken breasts? I don't think Lee is going to like ground turkey.

Teach my daughter to love the outdoors - I love the outdoors...from inside. "The fresh air and sunshine would be good for us," I think, as I curl up on the couch with a book.

Get into scrapbooking - I even have the stuff and TWO practically pre-made scrapbooks. I just have to add the pictures and words. Maybe I can incorporate this into my writing every day desire.

Clean out the closet in our office - a daunting task.

This self-motivation thing is hard.

But here's a cute pic to get us through the day:

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