Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day and Alaina's Dedication

Alaina was dedicated at church on Mother's Day. What a great way to celebrate! She's almost one year old and we still sometimes can't believe that she's ours. Or what an awesome responsibility parenting is. We're so grateful to find a church that is as committed to godly parenting as we are. We need all the support and encouragement we can get!

It was also great to dedicate Alaina at the same time the Gilletts were dedicating Avery. We didn't get a great picture of our two families, but I think you can see Kelvin's nose in a few of ours. :) We love them.
And by the way, Alaina was the noisiest baby on that stage. Apparently she saw the lights and the mic as an opportunity to say the only two words she knows, "kitty cat" and "dada." She's not shy of the public eye.