Monday, July 14, 2008

Alaina and Cheeto

Cheeto loves Alaina. He really does. He often tries to sit on my lap when Alaina is eating. It works for a few minutes until I have to sit her up to burp. He'll also headbutt her while she's eating, which is like a kitty high-five. He'll check on her when she's sitting in her infant carrier. (He's either checking on her or looking for her paci, which he likes to play with. He is NOT allowed to do that.) And when she's crying in her bed, he'll sit in her room until I come in to get her. I wonder if he'll love her as much when she's old enough to pull his tail.

1 comment:

Sara Laverty said...

i'm excited you have a blog! now i can keep up with y'all even more easily! :)