Thursday, November 19, 2009

My New Hobby

I have a new hobby. It's probably a long shot, but I'm enjoying it. I enter giveaway and sweepstakes on the Internet.

I got the idea from an article on about making extra money. It was a whole list of things, like start your own home business (duh) or take online surveys. I've tried the whole survey thing, but I never qualify for them. Apparently I need to spend more money as a consumer, so I can tell people how much I like their products. Or maybe they always have their fill of middle-class, white, stay-at-home-moms, ages 25-34.

Then this article mentioned online sweepstakes as a legitimate form of making extra money. They referred me to this website, It is dedicated to posting a bunch of online sweepstakes games and instant win games. Of course the owner of the site has this huge success story of winning a bunch of stuff. I figure it can't hurt to try, especially the things that are free. I even created a gmail account so our regular email won't be flooded with all the junk that inevitably comes along with passing out your email address in contests. (Wendy of SweetiesSweeps recommended this.)

Which leads me to today's blog. I was entering a giveaway on a lovely blog called RaisingMy4Sons. As a stay-at-home-mom, I love reading other mom's blogs about their kids. If you go to her site, you can see the giveaways she has listed. She even has a button called Reviews/Giveaways.

I wonder how I can get in on that action.

1 comment:

Mandee said...

Thanks so much for posting this! If you could send me your email address at raisingmy4sons at yahoo dot com I would gladly tell you more about how I got started with reviews and giveaways. I'm always willing to help out another Mom Blogger in need. :)
Have a great week!