Friday, January 1, 2010

Welcome 2010!

Happy New Year! We've been spending the last two weeks in Kansas City with the in-laws. It's been a quick, relaxing, enjoyable holiday and we're as bummed about leaving as we are looking forward to being home and starting our new year.

You're never going to believe this, but I've actually started another blog. No, I'm not abandoning this one or even my other one. This new one is called The Pumpkin Pie Patch, and I plan to make it about all things mommy. My idea for it came because I plan to start potty-training Alaina next week, and I'd like to blog about it a la the movie Julie & Julia. I'd also like to get into product reviewing and blog giveaways, and I needed a not-so-Kimble one in order to do that. The Pumpkin Pie Patch will have a little less personal info on it so I can really send it into the void. I hope you all read it and even publically follow it, so more people will be inclined to. The more people who follow it, the more inclined companies will be to let me review products and giveaway their stuff.

My sister-in-law's husband (my husband's brother-in-law? my brother-in-law? I never know what to call that guy) has also introduced me to book reviewing. I haven't done any yet, but there are several websites to sign up on that will send you books to review. I plan to do said book reviews on the Victoria Kimble blog.

So check them out. Tell your friends. And happy new year.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Garrett said to tell you that he likes the new look on your blog =)