Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Daddy Makes Life Fun

Yesterday the girls and I went to Target for our daily errand.  As I was perusing some toddler-sized shorts, and lovely couple who must be grandparents themselves stopped to chat with Alaina and admire Joya.

"Oh how sweet!" the lady said about Joya.  "What is your sister's name?"
"Joya Kimble!" Alaina replied.
"And what is your name?" the lady asked.
"Alaina Kimble!  And this is Mommy!" Alaina said.
"Are you having fun today?" the lady asked.
"No.  Daddy had to work," Alaina replied.

I thought it was so precious that Alaina recognized the sadness that Daddy couldn't be with us.  She really was having fun, but only would have labeled it as fun if Daddy had been there too.

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