Friday, December 30, 2011

Quick 5, Kansas City Style

Just an observation: the sun comes up later in Kansas City.  Makes getting up at 6:15 feel like it's really 4:00am. 

1.  Joya's little fever was actually a bit more serious than I first thought.  Thursday night her fever spiked again, which prompted me to call a 24-hour nurse hotline at midnight, just to make sure I didn't need to take her to an ER.  The nurse assured me I didn't, and shortly after the call, Joya finally fell asleep.  Then, feeling like the worst mother in the world, I packed her into the car at four in the morning to drive her to Kansas City.  My reasoning was I could take care of a sick baby just as well in Kansas City as I could in Denver, but it is so lame to travel when you're sick.  Well, she slept the whole way there, waking only when we stopped for food or gas.  And then on Christmas Eve, I had had enough.  I took her to urgent care, where the kind doctor checked her out.  She deemed it a virus, which you all know you can't do anything about.  So we just let her take 3 and 4 hour naps.  And let her sleep 12 and 13 hours at night.  And finally, the day after Christmas, she was back to her cheery self. 

2.  Christmas was a hit around here.  During present time, we learned that we had to let Alaina go at her own pace.  It seems that we assume that most kids want to plow through their presents at high speed.  So as soon as she finished opening a present, we'd have another one waiting for her.  She got a little upset that we weren't letting her play with the gifts she opened, so we slowed down.  Really, that was fine with us, just a little surprising.  She must be old beyond her years.

3.  The girls LOVED playing with their Aunt Mindy and Uncle Josh.  Uncle Josh spent hours and hours as Alaina's horsey.  And Aunt Mindy and Uncle Josh have fun phones that have fun games like Angry Birds and Squish the Ants.  Even Joya was able to play Pop the Balloons with Aunt Mindy.  It was a sad day when they left to go back home.

4.  And just a few random pics from the past week:
Joya slept the whole ride.  Alaina stayed awake the whole ride, except for this brief 30-minute nap, just as we came into Kansas City.
Gramma and Grampa Kimble found a fun car that Joya LOVES to crawl into.
This turkey hat sings "Turkey in the Straw."  Good times.
Joya is also a big fan of the princess castle from Gramma and Grampa.  If you can't find her, look in there.
Alaina had fun making desserts with Gramma and Grampa
Storytime with Gramma
 5.  And now, on to one of my favorite times of year.  I don't know why I like New Years so much.  It's a little lame.  Not sure why a new calendar signals such a feeling a freshness and newness.  But it does.  And while I'm excited about it, I'm trying not to stress out about it too.  Because starting January 3rd I have to hit the ground running with the new position as the nursery coordinator, and starting up the MOPS group on January 9th.  I'm trying to live by the philosophy that I'll get done what I can, and the rest will have to wait.  I'll keep you posted on how that works out for me.

Happy New Year!  Happy New Year, some more!

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