Friday, May 30, 2014

Quick 5

I really miss the days when I could pick out Alaina's clothes for her.

1.  Kindergarten graduation was a lovely day.  The ceremony was fun and short and Alaina said her lines and sang her songs.  It was a great conclusion to her year and she is already proudly telling everyone who will listen that she is now in first grade.  We couldn't be happier with her kindergarten year at Collegiate Academy.  If anyone is looking for a great charter school (in Jefferson County) we can hook you up.

Alaina and Aaliyah
Alaina and Grammy
Mrs. Galloway, Alaina's fabulous teacher
Alaina and Nora
2.  Last Saturday we went to Tiny Town with my sister's family and my parents to celebrate Alaina's birthday (June 2nd) and Naomi's birthday (May 31st.)  My sister and I brainstormed forever to find something to do that would be fun for all the ages of our kids (ages 10 months to almost 6) and Tiny Town won out.  It was perfect for them.  My girls loved the playground the most, although they enjoyed seeing all the tiny buildings too.  The train ride was also a fun treat.  AND it was in the mountains.  I'm sad to say that we rarely go up the mountain, even though it only takes us about 10 minutes to get up there, but we hope to remedy that soon.  The girls loved the drive, as I knew they would.
The birthday girls with their birthday presents.
Oliver and Joya
Ellie and Bria (who was being shy)
3. After Tiny Town and after naps, we went to church on Saturday afternoon.  When we came out of church, we saw a wicked storm coming over the mountains, heading straight for the church.  We left and drove along the edge of it all the way home.  I thought for sure it would shoot out east, but instead it came north.  We got pounded with some penny and nickel sized hail and as soon as the rain stopped the TV started blowing up with a tornado warning for our area.  I had just put Bria to bed and there was no wind and no rain at that point, so we just waited.  The storm had moved just north of us and was going nuts, but the weather service was a little late to the game for our area.  Anyway, it made a huge mess of our yard.  But, pending the insurance adjuster's assessment, we may get a roof out of the whole ordeal.
4.  Thankfully we hadn't done any of our summer planting yet.  We saved that for Memorial Day.  We planted zucchini and tomatoes in the garden, and tried to make the front of our house look pretty.  It looks a little sad right now, but I'm sure the plants will grow and fill out.  All that is left is a bit of mulching in the front yard, and then maybe our neighborhood will see that we do care about this house.

5.  And all that happened before the beginning of this week.  This week we tried to get used to our new summer schedule.  It's nice to have lazy mornings, although I'm still waking up naturally around 5:30 each day.  I can't decide if I should train my body to sleep in later, or if I should just get up and do something without the girls, like write.  We had a couple of really warm days, which is good practice for the summer too.  I'm hoping I can be a bit more proactive and plan a few more things for the girls to do, because left on their own they quickly downgrade to arguing and begging to watch TV.

Thus ends our first week of summer break.  I'll leave you with this little money shot:
Oh, and my third nephew was born on the 27th!  Welcome to our crazy family baby Eli! 

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