Friday, January 23, 2015

Quick 5

I've wasted too much time trying to come up with a witty opening statement.

1.  Thanks to a well-planned visit from Grammy and Grandad, Lee and I got to have a lovely date at Bonefish Grill on Sunday night.  It was so enjoyable.  And we came away feeling quite uncomfortably full, which was surprising to us, because I never equate fish to eating too much.  But apparently it can happen.  I also never realized how much Lee liked fish.  I know I like it, and I know we only get to eat it maybe once a year.  But that's what happens when you live as land-locked as we do.  It just reinforces my dream of living on some coast and eating fish the way we eat chicken now.  Maybe coast people don't eat fish as much as all that, but I like to think that they do.

2.  I've added some new art to our house.  Lee is withholding his approval, but he'll come around in a few years, I'm sure.  I'm just thankful he hung it up for me.  The point is I've wanted something for over our bed for a long time, and I found this, which I absolutely love:
It's a metal piece, and I love it.  Did I say that already?  Lee thinks it belongs in a place where we practice music, but I think it fits perfect.

3.  The other art I added was a Pinterest project.  Sort of.  Anyway, I made it myself, covering up an old Pinterest project that I was never really happy with.  Slowly our signature wall is coming together.
What you see there are some weird painting things that I bought at the dollar store and Lee spray painted.  I had put some other scrapbook paper on it, but never really liked it.  So I covered it with white card stock, and then cut the girls' silhouettes out of black card stock.  Add a healthy dose of Mod Podge and voila!  Art!

4.  Wednesday was quite cold and snowy.  It was such a pretty snow.  It was also the day that Bria decided not to wear any clothes.  She climbed out of her shirt and pants and ran around shrieking.  So I caught her and put her in some leggings, and then found a onesie that I could snap over the leggings.  I felt so clever.  I even told Lee that I won.  But Bria found a way to climb out of that onesie too.  And once the onesie was off, off came the leggings.  So I let her run around in only a diaper on a cold snowy day.  I guess she won.

5.  We decided to subscribe to Hulu Plus.  It's like Netflix, only really for current TV.  We'd been thinking about it for awhile, because it seems like we're often missing Agents of Shield, and ABC or Hulu or some genius within decided that they would only allow subscribers of some TV service to watch it online the day after it aired.  They made it public the week after it aired, so we were always terribly behind.  And then we'd have to watch it in our cold cold basement.  But if you subscribe to Hulu Plus, you could watch the episode the next day.  AND now we can watch it on our smart TV, in our warm warm living room.  I get that this is a first world problem, but it's made our lives a bit nicer.  And they have a season of 19 Kids and Counting, so I've been enjoying that.

Have a great weekend!

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