Friday, February 20, 2015

Quick 5

I think forecasts of 8 to 16 inches of snow are super cool...for other states.  Suffice it to say I'm trying very hard not to dread the next two days.

1.  Valentine's Day was a huge hit around here.  We ate pizza with the girls on Friday, Grammy and Grandad came over with Valentine love on Saturday, and Lee made me a delicious fancy dinner for Saturday night.  I love Valentine's Day.
Grilled Lemon Garlic shrimp, grilled asparagus, Black Cherry Mike's Hard Lemonade and Mint Oreo ice cream for dessert.
2.  After that lovely day, our week became challenging.  On Monday our internet wasn't working correctly.  It is such a whiny, First World thing to complain about, but since our phones are internet based, and since the two of us do much of our work from home that requires in the internet, having it go down was a big thorn in our side.  Lee even had to pack up and go to the office when he wasn't planning to.  After several calls to our internet provider, it turned out our wireless router decided to poop out.  So one new wireless router, and we're back in business.  After hours and hours of frustration.

3.  I tried to go down an Honest Path with Joya, and let her know that I was throwing away one of her art projects since she had made me a new one.  Tears galore.  I told her we had been enjoying it for weeks, and now it was time to enjoy her new drawing.  Apparently that was a terrible reason.  So I told her I would take a picture of her with it and post it for all to see.
Notice the sad face.  This picture wasn't good enough either.  So I've tucked away the piece of art for posterity.  And I will here and forevermore choose the Path of Blissful Ignorance, and throw away the old art work when she's not around to know.

4.  On top of all of this, Bria has been battling some kind of virus.  She's had a hacking cough and intermittent fever.  She seemed pretty good yesterday morning, but then took a turn for the worse yesterday afternoon.  I had been out all afternoon with Alaina at the eye doctor, so when we got home around 5:30, Lee was trying unsuccessfully to feed her dinner.  She looked so sad and pathetic and had a fever.  She was also doing a funny breathing thing.  I called our doctor's office and talked to a nurse, and after having the nurse listen to her on the phone, she agreed that she should be seen within the hour.  So on the eve of Bria's 2nd birthday, we took an evening trip to urgent care.  They all commented on how toasty she was, but her oxygen levels were fine. 
Well, wouldn't you know, as we were waiting in the exam room for the doctor, all of a sudden Bria popped up and asked to get down.  Then she proceeded to be the happy goofy kid that she is.  By the time the doctor came in, she was so cheerful.  The doctor checked her out and said yes, her lungs sound rocky, but we knew about the congestion.  They determined that she was breathing funny because of the fever.  No ear infection, no respiratory things we have to be concerned about.  Once again we'll get a lovely $500 bill for a whole lot of nothing.  Although the doctor did agree that any time you're worried about their breathing to get them checked out.  And of course I'm happy it's nothing serious.  But it was just a fitting day for our dumb week.

5.  And today Bria turns 2!  We're supposed to have a family party for her on Sunday, but we're also supposed to have our own snowmeggedon this weekend.  So we'll see how it all plays out.

Oh, winter.

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