Friday, June 12, 2015

Quick 5

It's a soggy Friday, and our sump pump is working just fine!

1. Last Saturday was the first Family Hike of the summer for our church. They even had a barbeque after, but we couldn't stay because Lee had wedding to go to. But we were able to do the entire hike. We just plunked Bria in the wagon and went. She was relatively happy the whole time, although water and granola bars might have had a big hand in that. Joya walked quite a bit of the way too.

2. Monday was a garden day AND our first MOPS play date of the summer. The girls and I were at the church from 8:00-9:30, and then went over to the park. I learned that that is TOO much playing outside for Bria. She was practically catatonic at the park. She just stood and stated. We didn't stay too long. But she was nice and worn out for her nap that day.

3. We celebrated Lee's 36th birthday this week. He had slowly been collecting his birthday presents over the past month or so, which consisted of camping and hiking gear. So for his birthday I made phillies, and Alaina thought he'd like ice cream with mini-Reese's peanut butter cups and hot fudge for his birthday treat. She was right.

4. The girls joined the summer reading program at our library. They each got to choose a book to keep, and Alaina has already started racking up her minutes. She's a champ at knocking out reading minutes. When they signed up, each girl got to decorate a star with her name and a picture. Joya wrote her name and drew a rainbow. Alaina wrote her name and drew a ninja and a death sign.
5. Bria is growing by leaps and bounds. She's started speaking in full sentences and asking, "Why not??" when I say no to something. She might not be intelligible to the rest of the world yet, but she's getting there.

Hope your weekend is nice and dry!

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