Friday, April 15, 2016

Quick 5

Yesterday my girls wore shorts. Tomorrow they will need snow boots. Dear Spring: your fickle moods are less than charming.

1. Lee has found some good hiking/camping buddies, and they went on their first hike of the season last week. The hike was filled with crisp, cool air, a quiet sunrise, and a herd of deer. All the makings of a good hike.
 2. We drove to Colorado Springs to celebrate my sister's birthday last Saturday. We really don't drive far too often, so I thought the hour drive would be a good tiny test run for our road trip in two weeks. Bria and Joya waited a whole 20 minutes before they started the every five minute "Are we there yet??" routine. Our drive to Tulsa should be a good time.

3. Grammy found a lovely fluffy vest for our household. I think it's for Bria, although all the girls have been seen wearing it. However, none of them wear it as fashionable outerwear. Nope, it's turned into a bear/kitty costume. I do agree that it is super fluffy and fun to pet. This is what happens when you don't have a real cat to pet.

4. Alaina received another character award at school. This one was for perseverance, as she worked really hard to learn the sign language for the Ellis Island Day program. We're very proud of her.

5. We've begun the Great Weaning Bria From Her Sleepsack Tribulation. That thing is her woobie. So instead of putting her in it, we just gave it to her to sleep with. Last night was her first night not wearing it, and she only lost it four times before falling asleep, and woke up twice moaning. Hopefully the worst is over. She was pretty excited to wake up wearing just her jammies, and not the sleep sack. She's practically a full grown kid now.

Stay dry, friends!

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