Friday, May 6, 2016

Quick 5


1. We decided to try out a new hiking place a couple of weeks ago. There is a lovely little river close by, so we donned our shoes and took the girls. It was crazy windy, but the girls had tons of fun throwing rocks into the river.
2. This is the face Bria made the minute we said it was time to leave, and this face stayed this way for a good hour after. YES, I gave her fair warning. Sometimes a warning means nothing to a three-year-old. (It is my kindness to you and me that this is a picture and not a video.)
3. Last weekend was the Great Tulsa Trip of 2016. Driving two 12 hour days in four days was kind of a butt-kicker, but it was worth it to see my baby brother take the walk from college student to college graduate. We are crazy proud of him. Also, I have no pictures of him, but he was there. Anyway, we stayed in a house with the rest of our family, and the kids seemed to have a lovely time hanging out and playing at a park together.
4. The girls handled the graduation ceremony like champs. We won't speak of what happened at Ben's hooding ceremony the night before.
5. We also celebrated at the AWANA awards ceremony this week. Joya got to hold the Bible for the pledge to the Bible, and Alaina and Joya both successfully completed their books, and their times in Sparks and Cubbies. Next year Alaina will be in T&T, Joya will be in Sparks, and Bria is finally going to be in Cubbies.

 Only two weeks left of school! Summer, here we come!

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