Friday, June 25, 2010

Why Does She Do This?

All week, Alaina's afternoon naps have been around an hour and a half. I put her down at one and get her up around three if she's awake. She's been waking up between 2:30 and 2:45 pretty consistently, but I let her play in bed until 3:00.

Today it is 97 degrees outside. I want to go swimming. The pool is less than 50 yards from our front door. I can hear children splashing. It is 2:54, and Alaina has not made a peep. It seems that every time I want to take her swimming, she chooses to make her afternoon nap a three hour ordeal.

I know she loves swimming. So WHY does she do this? I'm hot and fat and I needs me some pool time!

1 comment:

Becky said...

You know, my kids have a similar ability to only sleep in on days when we actually need to be out of the house at an early time. I don't know how they sense that...