Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Dreaded Day

We knew it was only a matter of time.  We knew that these past four months were something of a blessing and completely out of the ordinary.  But it's finally happened.

Alaina has figured out how to get out of bed.

It started yesterday with room time.  I used to just stick her on her bed with various toys and books, put up the bed rail, tell her to "have fun," close the door and leave.  And there she'd stay until I came to get her.  Then yesterday I started hearing funny sounds.  Sounds of a door being opened and closed.  I peeked around the corner at her closed door and saw a little shadow of someone running around her room.  I left her, only to hear her in the kitchen a little while later. 

Then last night, after I had put her in bed, I heard the same sounds.  I turned on the hall light and her door shut very quickly.  I gave her a stern lecture about staying in bed, and she did.

Then this morning, the room time is going about the same.  I had to tell her to at least stay in her room until room time was over.

This is a mixed blessing.  I'm glad she's learning new things and growing up.  I'm glad she's able to get herself out of bed, since caring for a newborn doesn't always allow me to rush to her every need anymore.  But I will miss knowing for sure if she's in bed or not.

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

My parents still talk about the day of the "busbus". I was Alaina's age, and very keen on learning new things. I had pointed out a "bus" to mommy, which she informed me was a "school bus". When I saw a city bus and identified it as a school bus, she said "no, it is a bus bus." Later that week, upon seeing a "bus bus", I informed by father that is was a "busbus". There the argument began, and it ended with me in tears. Laughing a much better response for a know-it-all two year old. After all, I'm still traumatized.