Friday, March 11, 2011

Quick 5

Today may only end up being a quick 2.  Or 3.  We'll see how it goes.

1.  Joya had a fantastic week at MOPS this week.  Which was kind of amazing, since she only got about a 30 minute nap before we had to leave, as she decided to scream for part of the hour she could have been sleeping.  She hung out in the swing in the nursery for most of it, which I am totally okay with.  They didn't have to page me once.  Maybe I will be able to re-join the worship team soon, since Joya might be okay with being in a nursery for an entire morning.

2.  Last Saturday, while Lee and I did some chores, we turned around to find the girls like this:

Alaina was reading an Archie comic while Joya just played.  Too cute.

3.  It is one of the joys of motherhood to see babies becoming real people.  Lately Joya has begun crying whenever I carry her into our room.  She knows that the ONLY reason I take her in there is to put her in bed.  It makes me laugh.  I'm always a little shocked that she observes the room we are walking into and associates it with a place she is not sure she wants to be.

4.  I may have developed a new bad habit: baking.  I just discovered that I love having homemade baked goods in the house.  Brownies, banana chocolate chip muffins, oatmeal chocolate chip may sound like a great idea, but the problem is I actually eat them.  I tell myself things like the oatmeal chocolate chip cookies are a great source of whole grain.

5.  Our house is a center of Australian culture, thanks to the Wiggles.  While normal kids talk about animals like monkeys and cows, Alaina likes to talk about kangaroos and kookaburras.  One day she asked me to sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Stah."  So I sang "Twinkle, twinkle, little star..." She quickly tried to correct me: "No STAH.  STAH."  And then the other day I suggested we do something (I don't remember what) and Alaina responded, "That's a GREAT idea!  Beauty mate!"  I'm pretty sure she used that phrase correctly too.

Well, the forecast has us in the sixties for at least the next five days.  Welcome, Spring. 

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