Friday, March 25, 2011

Quick 5

Good news!  This is the last quick 5 of March, because next Friday is officially April.  We've (almost) made it through the wilderness, folks!

1.  On Wednesday I took Alaina in for a haircut.  I noticed last week that all of a sudden I couldn't see her eyes, and that her hair was almost to the middle of her back.  Long hair is fun for a girl, but not for mommy, who has to comb out the yogurt and oatmeal every morning after breakfast.  Anyway, I took her to the super-expensive kid place.  That will probably be our last time.  I think she can handle the cheaper grown-up places.  The nice girl who cut her hair tried her darnedest to get me to buy their salon shampoo, saying it would really help with the breakage.  (I can't fault her there...Alaina has terrible breakage.  But she's 2, and tough on her hair.)  Sorry, sweetie, but I can't justify spending $20 on a bottle of shampoo.  We'll try our hand with Suave for awhile.

2.  Today the Grace Chorale is singing at our church.  Which means we are housing two of the college girls.  It is so surreal to me for several reasons.  a.) I vividly remember all my chorale tours like they happened last week, instead of seven years ago.  b.) We know one of the girls who will be staying with us.  We sang with her back in our Fort Street days.  She was in 8th grade then, I believe.  She's now a senior in college (or close to it.)  Our place isn't the nicest place they're going to stay, but I hope they think of our house as one of the good ones.

3.  I'm scheduled for worship team again.  I'm going to go through with it this time, even if Joya is a complete mess.  We have to just jump in and figure the rest out.  I'm scheduled to sing and play the violin, and since it's been a good six months since I've played, I've been practicing this week.  It's amazing how even simple music is challenging when you haven't played in awhile.  However, I really do enjoy playing.  It's on my bucket list to play in a community orchestra or something.  Obviously when the girls are much older, or maybe even out of the house.  But I plan to, someday.

4.  Yesterday I tried to put Joya down for a nap without swaddling her.  Big Mistake.  She flapped a cried for a long time.  I finally went in and pinned her arms down, and she went right to sleep.  My sister Carolyn gave me some good ideas on how to stop swaddling, so I'll try them out soon.  But I'm beginning to regret ever starting to use the fancy swaddling blankets.  They're nice, but apparently very addicting.

5.  While I like reality TV, Lee doesn't particularly care about it.  However, we do have several shows we watch together.  And really enjoy.  V, No Ordinary Family and Perfect Couples.  Unfortunately, according to several entertainment websites, all three of these shows have an extremely high probability that they will be canceled.  I can only come to the conclusion that our choices in television shows are pedestrian at best.  Oh well.

Have a great weekend, and happy 33rd anniversary, Mom and Dad!

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