Friday, May 27, 2011

Quick 5

Is it bad that I woke up every day this week thinking it was Friday?

1.  We have now had a full solid week of Joya sleeping through the night.  I put her down at 7:15, and I don't pick her up again until 7:00 the next morning.  I had forgotten how wonderful that feels.  There were one or two times where she did wake up in the night, but all I had to do was roll her back over (because she almost always ends up on her tummy these days) and put her paci back in her mouth and she would go right back to sleep.  I'm so proud of her.  Who wouldn't be proud of this face?

2.  Which means I have a deadline that I'm putting out for the whole world to see so I have to meet it: on June 1st I will put Joya to bed in Alaina's room.  You heard it here first.

3.  Lately Alaina has been all about the sister pictures.  Here are a couple of my favorites:

4.  Yesterday we had a play date/craft time with Alaina's favorite girls, Macy and Avery.  I don't ever do crafts with just Alaina.  She colors on her own, but I never actually organize a real craft.  It just seems like a lot of work for just one little girl.  So I thought it was time to make something a little more formal, and that it would be much more fun with friends.  Thanks to my sister Jamie, we made these little flower cups.  In the name of exploring creativity, I had to let Alaina color her leaves brown.

5.  We have a big week coming up!  Alaina is turning 3, and that means festivities galore.  We're already looking forward to the mac and cheese, and I have a fantastic idea for her birthday cake.  I'm a little intimidated when it comes to cakes, because I have friends who are Cake Decorators, and I am just not inclined that way.  But I found a really simple one that I think will be a step above plain cupcakes with sprinkles.  I can't wait to try it out.

Hope you are all staying safe from this crazy spring weather!

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