Friday, April 5, 2013

Quick 5

What's worse: coming down off a sugar high, or coming down off a Gramma high? 

1.  Having Gramma, Grampa, Uncle Josh and Aunt Mindy here was the highlight of this past week.  The girls got to wrestle Uncle Josh, snuggle Gramma and Grampa, and spend hours and hours outside.  Our house is a better place for having them here, since Grampa helped Lee with quite a few projects around the house.  Our basement bathroom now has an exhaust fan, our main floor bathtub has fresh new grout, our porch has a brand-new porch light, our gutters have been relieved of their leaves and sticks, our trees have been trimmed, and our backyard is free of a large, dangerous wood pile left by the previous owners.  Not to mention the lovely pictures that now hang on the walls of my bathroom, making the room not look so naked.  I know for a fact that we do not leave their house a better place when we visit them in Missouri, but we loved having them here and wish they could come more often.

2.  It was also lovely celebrating Easter with the fam.  The girls got to have their second Easter egg hunt in our backyard, and hopefully they found all of them.

 3.  My fabulous sister-in-law treated me to a pedicure while she was in town.  I must say that a pedicure is one of my all-time favorite luxuries, right next to chocolate dipped fruit from Edible Arrangements.  Anyway, we left the older two girls home with the grandparents (and Uncle Josh) and took Bria with us.  I simply strapped Bria to my chest via the moby wrap and relaxed in the massage chair while the lovely lady did her thing.  This was actually my second pedicure holding a sleeping baby.  I believe I got a pedicure while holding a tiny Joya back in the day.  Now my feet are sandal-weather ready.

4.  After what seemed like an eternity, Bria finally got to meet her friend Elyssa.  But they both slept through the visit.  Oh well, they'll be friends someday whether they like it or not.

5.  We had a beautiful break in the cold, wet spring weather on Thursday, so I took the girls to the park.  Park days always make me face my failings as a mother, since my girls love them so much and I rarely take them.  I suppose this is an easy enough situation to remedy.  Maybe that's my goal for 2013; take my girls to the park, especially when I don't feel like going.

Happy weekend, everyone!

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