Friday, April 19, 2013

Quick 5

You can really tell it's April by all the snow!

1.  Joya has begun to call Alaina by her given name.  Well, a version of it.  Until now, Alaina has been LaLaLa.  But now, mostly, she's "a-LEEN-a."  Which is cute.  And sad.  Joya still reverts to a LaLaLa now and then, but mostly she's switched over.  It's always amazing how two-year-olds grow in leaps and bounds.

2.  Lee took a day off this week and we used it to go join Costco.  It seemed like the right thing to do; all of our family and friends shop there.  So now we're a mortgage-paying, mini-van driving, student-loan carrying, Costco-shopping family of five.  In other words, we're Americans.  So much for living counter-culturally. 

3.  I can FINALLY get Bria to smile whenever I want.  Provided she's not screaming of course.  But if she's awake and just chilling out, I can more often than not coax a smile out of her.  I feel like it took us forever to get to this point.  She's a very content little girl, but she's also very serious too.  I know for a fact that Joya was smiling all over the place around five weeks.  It took Bria to eight weeks.  And of course it was worth it.

4.  Bria is modeling one of the beautiful drool bibs sent to her by our college friend Jessica.  Jessica and her husband were in Chorale with us, and we have good memories of them sitting behind us on the bus during one of our choir tours.  Jessica sent me these pretty bibs and burp cloths, along with a couple of tutus for the older two.  And I love them.  If you are looking for fantastic, handmade gifts for your next baby showers, you should check out her shop, Little Baby Blessings. 

5.  In other Bria news, she's starting to suck on her fist.  This is noteworthy, because until now she's really just been a lovable little lump.  But now she's starting to do things.  Tomorrow is her two-month check up, so I'll keep you posted on all her stats.

It looks like one more round of snow, folks, then maybe we'll start to see some real spring weather around here.  We're gonna make it after all.

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