Friday, November 29, 2013

Quick 5

My mother's gravy was delicious.

1.  What does a normal family do during a school break? Why, schedule dentist appointments for the kids of course.  Alaina and Joya had their bi-annual dental cleaning and check-up and they both passed with flying colors.  Even Alaina, whom I've completely abdicated the role of teeth-brushing to.  Joya, of course, wore her princess dress.  She was the best dressed patient there.
Alaina works the suction
Waiting for Dr. Nielsen
2. My big project the past couple of weeks has been beard beanies.  A high school friend made one and posted it on Facebook, to which I asked if she had a pattern.  She said no, but that I could find one on Etsy.  Find one I did.  I wanted to make one for my baby bro, who has a fascination with beards.  Well, I made one and Lee liked it so much that I gave it him.  Then I made one for my brother, my dad and my two brothers-in-law.  Then a couple of Lee's co-workers saw his and decided they wanted to buy some for their menfolk.  So I had orders for four more.  They are fun to make and I laugh every time I see it.  (And if you want one, let me know.  We'll discuss price.)
3.  This year has been Thankgiving With the Marshes.  It's been loud and crazy and full of children and life.  The kids are still pretty small, but they are finally starting to play together.  At one point they all went outside, and Alaina declared herself the Queen.  They all followed her around the yard like dutiful little subjects.  She better cherish these times, because I could possibly see a Younger Cousin Uprising in the future. 
Naomi, Oliver, Zeke, Alaina, Bria, Joya, Tegan & Elisabeth

4.  My little Thanksgiving Turkey:
5.  On Wednesday my sisters left to do errands and I stayed at my parents' house with the resting/napping children.  The older girls (Alaina, Naomi and Joya) went outside to play, and just before Jamie left we heard Oliver talking in his room.  She told me he could go and play, but to wait until she left so there would be no Leaving Mama Drama.  So I did.  What she failed to tell me was that there may or may not be a Toxic Stink in the room with him.  So I opened the door and realized that we had a Situation.  I had three options: 1.) Send him outside to play and pretend I didn't know what the Situation was, 2.) Wake up his napping daddy and make him change his son's diaper, or 3.) Change it myself.  I weighed them all and went with Option 3.  Nick owes me a high five or something.

Happy weekend!  Enjoy listening to Christmas music without being ostracized.

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