Friday, April 4, 2014

Quick 5

I thought it was Spring.  But then it snowed.  But today might be Spring again.

1.  Maybe I'm just tired of winter or maybe I'm just tired of the large loads of heavy winter clothes.  But this week I hunted and gathered all the warm weather clothing we need.  Mostly that involves buying sandals for the girls (because those girls wear their shoes into the ground so there will be no sharing) and hunting down warm weather clothes for Alaina.  Then it snowed yesterday and I feel a bit foolish.  But then they *say* it'll be up in the 70s next week so maybe my preparations will come in handy.

2.  We still hold to our prediction that Bria will be walking soon.  She's taken two steps in a row several times before dropping to her knees, but the point is she tries it all the time.  She's also sleeping better, thanks for asking.  On Sunday afternoon when she was fussing and crying, like she did all last week, I got a good peek inside her mouth.  At least one molar has broken through.  It's nice to know why she was so difficult all last week.  And it's nice to have my happy baby back.

3.  It turns out that Bria is a hitter.  Lately when things don't go her way she'll look directly at you and hit something.  It may be you or a table or a toy nearby, but this development has disturbed me.  I don't want her to be That Kid.  The hits don't hurt at this point, but that's not the point.  I suppose I should have seen this coming.  I should have known the third kid was going to find a way to express her frustration.  Just add it to the list of things that need Parenting Skills.

4.  A couple of weeks ago I went to a local nursery and took a class on soil prep.  I've always wanted to WANT to garden, but could never muster the motivation.  I wondered if knowledge would change things, because who can get excited about growing things that will probably die?  Well, I was right.  I learned some stuff and now I'm pretty pumped to get my gardens growing.  I've got plans and ideas for both the veggie garden (nothing crazy, just tomatoes and zucchini) and the flowers that need to go in the front of the house.  Hopefully they will all look like the pictures in my head.

5.  Obviously the snow has killed my inspiration today.  So let's all dream of the days when we don't have to wear coats outside, like this:
Peace out.

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