Friday, August 21, 2015

Quick 5

Welcome back, busy days!

1. Saturday was the busiest day ever. Alaina's school had an all school work day. Since each family is required to do 40 hours of volunteer service for the school each school year, Lee and I went and spent 5 hours painting a hallway. One side was almost completely cinder block, so I spent the whole time brushing the cracks while Lee rolled the whole thing. It was so much work. But it looks nice now.

2. While we were painting, the girls had the funnest day ever. Grammy and Grandad came and whisked them away for a day of donuts and the splash park. I can guarantee they had more fun than we did, even if we DID get free pizza for lunch.

3. The first day of school came and went without a hitch! It helps that Alaina is in the same classroom, with 17 of the same kids she was with last year. Her class only got two new students. And she already knew her teacher from last year. So it was like no transition at all. The only difference is I have to deal with parents who either don't know or don't remember proper drop off/pick up etiquette.
4. Tuesday was a first day for the little girls too. They really miss Alaina. Bria still asks where she is quite often. It is not far from my mind that this is my last year having Joya home all day either.

5. Awana started up on Wednesday. Joya is in her last year of Cubbies and Alaina is in her last year of Sparks. Next year I'll have a Cubbie, a Spark AND a T&Ter. 

Routine is good for us.

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