Tuesday, November 16, 2010

One Month Stats

I took Joya to the doctor today for a slightly unnecessary well-baby check-up.  Our lovely pediatrician told me at our four-day-old check-up that I really didn't need to bring her in until she was two months old, but she would be delighted to see us if I wanted to come in sooner.  Well, I was concerned that Joya wasn't getting enough to eat.  Not only do I have to practically force-feed her, but when she does nurse she only nurses for a grand total of about 8 minutes.  I'm not kidding or exaggerating either.  So to the doctor we went.

Joya now weighs 9 lbs, 11 oz.  That's about a 2 pound weight gain since her initial visit.  I'd say (okay, the doctor says) that she's getting plenty to eat.

She also was 22 inches.  I think.  Joya wiggled around a lot, and at first the nurses thought she had grown 3 inches, but that's crazy.  They settled on 22 inches.  All I know is that she is long enough to fit in a 3-month outfit.  She doesn't exactly fill it out yet, but her toes reach all the way down to the bottom of the little feet. 

And, Alaina touched a fish in the exam room.  It was a good check-up.

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