Friday, December 3, 2010

Quick 5

1.  My dear friend Becky has been doing a feature called the Quick 5 on her blog for a long time now.  She usually posts it on Friday and uses it as a quick update on her family or whatever else she is thinking of.  I love it.  And so, inspired by her, I may just steal it and make it regular feature here.  I think I may be able to come up with five things to say each week.

2.  Joya is so smiley.  I was hoping that by naming her Joya she would be a little person filled with joy.  Well, she just may be.  It is so cute, except when she's smiling at me when she's supposed to nursing.  Then it's just messy.

3.  I caught Alaina starting to climb up our bookshelf this morning.  Scared the life out of me.  That bookshelf is not stable enough for a 28 pound toddler to climb.  I gave her a lecture and prayed that the Lord would protect her life, since she is filled with foolishness, and I can't watch her every second of her life.

4.  We're going to go look at a town home tomorrow.  Not to buy, just to rent, but I'm excited about it.  I have searched the entire Denver-metro area (via internet) and have not found this amount of space for the amount of money they are asking in rent.  I'm hoping it will work out.

5.  Which means we might be moving mid-January.  I think moving is a little like childbirth.  A crazy amount of not-fun work, but you forget about what it truly entails mere months after the event, and so you are willing to do it again. 

Hmm.  This quick 5 is not as good as Becky's but it's my first one.  I'll get better at it, I promise.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Yeah for the Quick 5. I look forward to reading it each Friday!