Friday, December 10, 2010

Quick 5

Happy Friday!  Happy December, even though it doesn't feel like December as I see 60 degrees in the forecast and zero chance for snow.  I'm not sad about the no snow right now.  It's beautiful and messy and I don't want to deal with it.  Anyway.

1.  I just want to say that Pepsi Max is the bomb.  I don't know what they did, but it's a fantastic zero calorie, zero sugar soda without the hard core taste of aspartame.  The taste is still there in the background, but it's not a dominant flavor.  I bought a 12-pack of it during the last pop sale just to try it, and now I'm a little sad that I have two 12-packs of Diet Pepsi to work through before I can buy more Pepsi Max.  If you're looking for a way to go diet soda but cringe at the thought of the taste, give Pepsi Max a try. 

2.  Tonight is our first real adult Christmas party.  Lee's previous work always had their Christmas parties during the day on a Friday and spouses weren't invited.  But this year his new job has an ultra-swanky party that even I was invited to.  I haven't dug through my drawer yet to see if I have a pair of hose to wear, but it's that kind of party.  In Downtown Denver. 

3.  Which means the girls will be staying with my parents for the evening.  It will be my first time leaving Joya for more than an hour.  And I'll have to leave a bottle.  Lee gave her a bottle last week and she took it just fine.  Apparently my girls don't care where or who their food comes from.  Alaina never had a problem either.  A little sad, but also very freeing.  And it must be a second kid thing, but I am feeling no feelings about leaving Joya either.  With Alaina I was really freaked out the first time I left her.  Joya can just deal with it.  :)  Don't worry, I'll have my cell phone on me just in case. 

4.  Alaina loves having yogurt for breakfast.  Sometimes I cave and give her a second carton when she's done with the first.  But mostly I try to hold her to one a day.  Lately as she's spooning the creamy goodness into her mouth, she'll declare "Mmm!  Calories!"  I do NOT talk about calories.  EVER.  I don't know where she gets this stuff.  I'll have to blame the Gillett girls, since that's where she picks up most of her other stuff.  :)

5.  And the biggest news for last...we were approved for the town home!  We were pleasantly surprised when we went to see it last weekend.  The space is incredible for the amount of rent.  And, as an added blessing from the Lord, our unit will back up to a greenbelt.  I was praying that our new place would have a good location, i.e. not backing up to a busy street.  There is a horse field nearby, but I'm prepared to deal with it.  So moving date is set for January 22.  Only 6 more weeks of lugging girls up and down three flights of stairs.

15 more days until Christmas!  Are you done with your shopping yet?  I am.  :)


Anonymous said...

Exciting news about the townhome!!!! SO excited for you guys...seriously! This is a blessing you've waited a long time for, and there's no doubt you'll appreciate every square inch of that place because of the limited space you've had. So excited too that you get to enjoy being out tonight....have FUN with your husband!!!

Becky said...

Great news about the house, Tor!!! Very excited for you =)

Aubrey said...

Wonderful news about the townhome. As a bonus, reading about the "Mmmm....calories!" was a happy spot in my day.