Friday, October 4, 2013

Quick 5

It's snowing.  I pulled all my green tomatoes off the plant last night.  My question is, is it normal to get more tomatoes the first week in October than you did all summer? 

1.  Gone are the days of the toothless baby grin.  Bria sprouted her first two teeth last Friday.  If my memory serves me correctly, she's about a month and a half ahead of her sisters in the tooth arena.  They're not fully erupted yet, but they've definitely broken through the gums.  It explains the manic chewing that's been going on for the past few weeks.  Thankfully there's been no biting.  I'm praying it stays that way.
Can you see them?
2.  Alaina and I enjoyed her ice cream reward for breaking the thumb sucking habit last Saturday.  It was everything we dreamed it would be.  We went to Magill's, the ice cream shop I worked at in high school (although this is a new location.)  The ice cream was just a delicious as I remembered.  Alaina chose Cotton Candy, as there was no Blue Moon out to choose.  She loved it.  Originally she had told me that she was going to get a "triangle cone," but she called a last minute audible and chose a cup instead.  A wise decision.  It was the perfect reward for her hard work.

 3.  This week was Spirit Week at Alaina's school.  Tuesday was Career Day, and she got it in her head that she wanted to be Batman.  I emailed the school and they put the kibosh on that, so she chose to go as a fire chief instead.  Upon further conversation, I think she wanted to be Batman because that is the only costume we have (besides princess stuff.)  But Grammy had a fireman's coat and hat, and Alaina's daddy was kind enough to go retrieve it so she could wear it on Tuesday.  (Side Note: I love my original girl!  Quite a few of the other girls went dressed as veterinarians.  Alaina was the only girl fireman.) Wednesday was PJ day, which she thoroughly enjoyed.  Thursday was Twin Day, and since she didn't have a twin at school, her daddy gamely dressed like her so she could tell everyone that he was her twin.  And Friday was Old MacDonald day, and she dressed like the cutest farm girl we've ever seen.  It was a fun week.
Driving the fire truck
Twin Day
Digging a hole
 4.  Over at The Pumpkin Pie Patch I've been participating in the 31 Days challenge with my 31 Days of Ordinary.  On Day 2 I mentioned how my blogs are very ordinary, especially since I just use Blogger, which gives my blog addresses a address.  I don't really have a reason or reader base to justify getting my own domain name.  But then my awesome, tech-savvy brother-in-law told me he got me an early Christmas present.  Go check out  I won't add the link here so you can type it in and see for yourself that it's real.  Maybe someday I can get a host site for it, but the fact is if you type that address in, it'll send you to my blog.  Thanks Josh!  It's the coolest present ever.

5.  We had another mouse problem this week.  Dirty little booger was leaving poop on my dining room table.  More than once.  It took us a few days to catch him, but this morning we finally did.  Lee should be so grateful that a.) he caught it today and b.) we don't have the adoption fees needed in our budget this month.  Because I spent many minutes looking online at various cats for our home.  We could swing the food/litter/occasional vet visit in our budget, but not the initial start up costs of a cat.  But if we hadn't caught the mouse I would have done some creative accounting to make that happen.  Next time he might not be so lucky.

That's a wrap!

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