Friday, October 11, 2013

Quick 5

Joy is driving around with your three-year-old and hearing "ooo!" and "aah!" from the backseat, just like you would when you're watching fireworks, only this time you're seeing the red and orange and yellow trees of Fall.

1.  I promise I'm not being braggy.  Or rubbing it in your face (Misty!)  I'm just chronicling the life of my family and I am compelled to announce that Bria is finally sleeping through the night.  As in 12 hours.  It started last Thursday night or Friday, but I wanted to give it some time to see if it would stick.  I had been feeding her just once at night, and I tried to keep that feeding somewhere between 12:30 and 2:30am.  Thursday night she woke up at 11:30, and it was way too early so I just re-adjusted her in bed (you know, off the tummy, away from the side of the crib) and she immediately went back to sleep.  Then didn't wake up until morning.  Friday night she woke up at 4:30, but that was too far outside the window, so I did the re-adjust thing and she cried for 10 seconds then went back to sleep.  And she has pretty much stayed asleep ever since.  She did wake up once this week crying really hard, but I think she bit her own finger.  She went right back to sleep.  But I am officially done feeding babies in the middle of the night.  It's a good feeling.

2.  Alaina and I have been having some fights lately.  About one thing: wearing short-sleeved shirts.  We had a couple days recently of almost 80 degree weather, and she would come out dressed in her warmest sweaters.  I made her change.  She would cry and fuss and moan about how I didn't love her and I never let her do anything she wanted.  I told her that it wasn't my fault that God made such a beautiful day, and that it was silly that I even had to say that.  I know some people don't even touch the battle of the clothes, but I believe it's my job as her mother to at least teach her how to dress appropriately for the weather.  She can wear whatever short-sleeved shirt she wanted to, but it had to be short-sleeved.  Apparently I'm the worst mother in the world.

3.  Believe it or not, yesterday was the end of the first quarter of school.  So Alaina has today and Monday off from school.  I generally do not feel like time flies by, so I am surprised that a whole quarter has passed already.  Alaina is doing so great, and I am pleased every day with our school choice for this year.  And Joya, Bria and I have gotten into a nice little morning routine.  It's been a great quarter.

4.  Monday also marks Joya's third birthday.  We have big plans: her three-year-old well visit at the doctor, lunch at McDonald's, and pizza and ice cream for dinner.  We'll have a party for her a week from tomorrow, since this is a worship team weekend for us.  But I hope she feels special.

5.  To wrap it up, here are me and my girls almost three years ago:
Happy weekend!

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