Friday, October 18, 2013

Quick 5

Classic joke time!
What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
Frosted Flakes!

1.  We had a lovely time celebrating Joya's birthday on Monday.  I made it a point to tell her "Happy Birthday!" often throughout the day.  Most of the time she would look surprised and say, "It's my birthday now?!?!"  Like she knew it was earlier, but didn't realize it still was later that day.  We went to the doctor for her well-child visit, then grabbed McDonald's for lunch and had pizza and ice cream for dinner.  Our mouths were happy and my tummy was sad.  But it was still a good day.  She again was surprised when it was time to open her presents before dinner.  She'll catch on better next year.
The most beloved present...a fluffy unicorn (pillow pet)

2.  When I scheduled Joya's 3-year check up for her birthday, I was a little concerned.  Who wants to go to the doctor on their birthday?  But Alaina had the day off of school and it seemed like the best time to do it, and they assured me that 3-year-olds don't need shots.  The girls were going to get the flu mist, but that's not a shot, so I said okay.  But it turns out she's a little behind on her vaccines, and she does need some shots.  The doctor agreed that we could postpone them until Bria's 9 month check up next month.   Because it would be too mean to poke a kid on their birthday.  I like our doctor.

3. Some lovely friends of ours gave us some clothes for the girls to wear.  Among them is this prized possession:
Alaina put it on and said, "I look like a QUEEN!!"  And then she wore inside for an hour.

4.  Alaina took a big step toward growing up this week.  We used the carpool lane for school drop-off for the first time.  I was a little bit over parking and taking her inside every day.  She's gotten to the point where she bounces over to her line and chats with her friends before school, rather than hanging around me.  Which means that Joya, Bria and I were just standing around until her teacher came.  And I did NOT want to park, unload, walk her in, and immediately leave.  That is too much effort.  And it's getting colder.  So I asked Alaina if she thought she was ready to walk in by herself.  "Sure Mom!  It's easy!  You just go past the bathroom and turn the corner!"  So we did it.  And just like that, I don't have to walk her in anymore.  It's a good step.  She's getting so big.

5.  Alaina also had her very first field trip yesterday.  Her class walked up the street to the fire station, which was about a block away.  I had to sign a permission slip and everything.  The kids were so excited about it.  I wish I could have gone with them, but alas, no younger kids were allowed.

Have a great weekend!

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