Friday, January 24, 2014

Quick 5

It's cold, but Denver is a good place to be right now.

1.  Go Broncos!  We're terribly excited about the Broncos going to the Superbowl.  It's been a long 15 years since our last go at it, and Lee mentioned how there has never ever been one of "his" teams in the Superbowl.  I'm so glad he made the jump to become a Broncos fan so he could experience the excitement.  I've been trying in earnest for the past week to win a trip to the Superbowl from the Ellen Degeneres Show.  If you know me at all, you know how much I HATE crowds and how much I LOVE being home, but Ellen typically gets her Superbowl trip winners on the field.  Not in just some random seats in the stands.  And this was a historic season for the Broncos and it's Peyton Manning and if she can get us on the field, then I'd be happy to go.  But alas, I can't seem to get the site to upload my entry.  The next best thing, though, is watching it in the comfort of my own home with my own clean bathroom.  (Note to self: clean the bathrooms before the Superbowl.)

2.  Alaina had Monday off from school, so I took the girls to the mall to play on the indoor play place.  But it was gone.  Vanished.  There was a sign that said it was down for maintenance, but there was no down about it.  It was gone.  I really hope they're going to put one back, because we get good use out of that thing.  And I can't bring myself to drive over to the Cherry Creek Mall to play on theirs.  We don't belong there.

3.  Alaina found a box last week and worked very hard transforming it into something useful.  First she made a TV out of it and did a little show for us.  It was so cute.  Then she decided to make it into a "worker vest."  She colored it and carried around her pink toolbox, pretending to be a worker.  (Translation: a construction worker.)  It is the first time I can remember that she initiated a project like that all on her own.
4.  I did a project of my own: I made a curtain!  I've always been a little afraid to try it, but I finally made one for my bathroom.  We've had a curtain up in there that came with the house.  It was a lovely reminder of the smoking habits and housekeeping skills of the previous owners.  But the window looked too naked without it, so I left it up.  But then I came across some perfect fabric on the clearance rack at Hobby Lobby, and so I forced myself to do it.  It took two tries, but I'm quite pleased with the result.

5.  I finally bit the bullet and made Bria switch to a normal person eating schedule.  Which, of course, she adjusted to like she's been doing it her whole life.  But it instantly changed her from a baby to a little girl.  She now feeds herself lunch and dinner, and there is nothing cuter than seeing a tiny human shoving peas in their mouth.  It was inevitable; she is a month shy of turning one.  What's next?  Walking?

I'll leave you with this example of how my girls roll:
Go Broncos!!

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