Friday, February 26, 2016

Quick 5

This week was epic.

1. What is more fun than your own birthday? According to Bria it's Happy Hearts. That girl had the time of her life at Happy Hearts. It was the worst news ever when it was time to leave. Not even the promise of cupcakes and birthday presents could soothe her little soul. She enjoyed them when they came around, but Happy Hearts has dominated her conversation this week. There were so many games and crafts to do at Happy Hearts, but Bria spent 97% of her time in the bouncy house. I managed to drag her away once or twice, but she only did it to humor me.
 2. One of my favorite traditions at Happy Hearts is the family picture. We so rarely get a full family picture and I was excited about this. I forgot that three-year-olds are not known for their cooperation. So this is what will go down in history for our family for that day:
 Thankfully Pastor Jeff let us have a re-do so we could at least see her eyes.
3. Grammy, Grandad, Uncle Nick, Aunt Jamie, Naomi, Oliver and Elisabeth all came over after Happy Hearts for lunch and cake and presents. It was a fun time, but not as fun as Happy Hearts (for Bria.)
 4. Bria got some fun toys and cool costumes, but apparently her favorite gift was a backpack. Honestly I got that for her because I couldn't bring myself to buy her another toy, but I didn't know what else to get her. It was a good call. She is convinced she has all she needs to go to school now.
5. It's been a fun Bria week, but equally as amazing and excited was the engagement of my brother Ben. He proposed to his girlfriend Cora last Saturday, and we were all so thrilled that she said yes! We've been wanting to make her an official part of our family for quite awhile now. So we've added a wedding to our event list for 2016 and we can hardly wait. Congrats Ben and Cora!

Here comes (dreaded) March!

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