Friday, June 10, 2016

Quick 5

Another two weeks of summer fun in the books.

1. The Super Summer Challenge is going well. Or at least okay. The girls like earning the money and spending the money, although there is much more money to be earned each day, if only they had the gumption. Alaina likes buying a can of pop to have with lunch. Joya likes having her nails painted (are you so surprised?)
2. Alaina's birthday was filled with fun. It started out with a special birthday breakfast of Toaster Strudels. That is a real treat around here. A real treat for me and Lee, that is. Alaina was barely impressed, which just baffled her parents. Have we gone wrong with this child?
3. Then we all went to one of my favorite childhood places, Adventure Golf up in Westminster. Grammy's work was having a staff appreciation there and we were all invited. Gramma and Grampa Kimble came into town and met us there. along with Aunt Jamie and Naomi, Oliver and Ellie, Grandad and a surprise visit by Apple Ben. We ate lunch, we had cake (to celebrate both Alaina and Naomi), we golfed, we had ice cream, we played on the bumper cars. It was an extreme fun day.
4. Having Gramma and Grampa here was non-stop fun. We took them to our favorite river to throw rocks. It was warm and beautiful.

5. We went to our church family hike on Saturday. It was at an amazing state park called Castlewood Canyon. It was so pretty. But I took exactly ZERO pictures. Alaina hiked with her BFF, Lee and Joya went a long way, and Gramma, Grampa and I followed Bria on a shorter, but kind of intense climb. It'll have to just be a memory. We came home and everyone took naps. Then we got out the sprinkler and let the girls have fun.
 We loved having Gramma and Grampa here.

And now we all need naps. On to celebrating Lee's birthday!

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