Friday, February 24, 2012

Quick 5

"We should never feel guilty for being too busy living life to write about it."
Becky Swanberg

1.  It's Friday.  I normally write my Quick 5 on Thursday afternoons and set it to auto post on Friday mornings.  This morning I woke up and realized I hadn't written it yet.  Then I read my dear friend Becky's Quick 5, and she provided that little gem.  And it gave me peace.  I've been feeling kind of bad about my lack of blogging this year, both on this blog and my Pumpkin Pie Patch blog.  But the thing is, I've simply been doing other things.  And that's okay. 

2.   Yesterday my routine was all off because Lee worked from home.  The reason he worked from home was because we had a house to go see.  This house has been quite elusive; it's a short sale situation and the sellers are pretty reluctant.  This has led them to have crazy showing requirements (like, between 9:53 and 10:06 each day,) and they denied us access twice in the last week.  We finally got the okay to see it yesterday and so Lee and I decided that we probably only had one shot to get inside this house, so he needed to be there, rather than have me preview it, like I had for the other 10 houses.  It's always nice to have Lee home for the day, but it does throw off my daily routine.

3.  It was worth it.  We signed an offer last night.  I feel like putting offers on houses is a crap shoot...just because you do doesn't really mean anything.  It just means you hope and pray that the sellers will sign it.  And even then, there seems to be a million things that could cause the deal to go south.  But we like this house even better than the other one we didn't get, so we're really praying this one works out.  

4.  In other ways that Becky has had influence on my life lately, I tried to start reading Les Miserables this past week.  And I'm so sorry, Beck, but I didn't make it.  The book is 1432 pages.  And I just can't get into French history, so I skipped the intro to French history at the beginning of the book, and then felt like I was missing things I should have known as I read the first section of the book.  And then I got an overwhelming desire to put down Les Mis and start reading Sense and Sensibility.  So that's what I did.  Judge me all you want, but I'm going to get my Les Mis culture from the movie.  I'm just not sophisticated enough for such an imposing work of literature, I guess.  I suppose jello can never be creme brulee.  (Or is it that creme brulee can never be jello?  Same thing.)

5.   And finally, the girls and their Daddy:

Happy Friday! 

1 comment:

Becky said...

You have no idea how much I appreciate the fact that you even attempted Les Mis. It is a bit of an acquired taste- I'm not gonna lie. First I loved the movie, then the musical and then set out to conquer the book- so maybe that is the way to go. I am praying this house works out for you! Here's to living life to the fullest and guilt-free blogging! =)