Friday, March 16, 2012

Quick 5

A little Madness in the Spring
Is wholesome even for the King.

Emily Dickinson

Hello, open windows!  Goodbye, winter stench!

1.  This glorious weather has not been wasted around here.  Last Saturday we spent a lovely afternoon at the park with Grammy and Granddad.  And on Wednesday we went and had a picnic with Lee at the park next to his office.  Outdoor air is good for the soul.  Alaina and Daddy fed the geese and ducks while Joya wailed in her stroller.  I still don't know what was wrong with her.  She probably wanted to get out and walk around, but the grass was c o v e r e d in goose poop.  Life can be really hard for a 17-month-old sometimes.

2.  Sometimes in life you have to take the good with the bad.  With this warm weather has come some not-so-pleasant wind.  But I've still opened the windows as much as possible, because I love the smell of fresh air.  That means the wind blows around papers and knocks over stuff in my kitchen.  Alaina freaks out every time she hears something fall.  She shrieks "Too much air!  Too much air!"  I love that that's how she refers to wind.

3.  Joya busted out a new word all by herself this week: bye bye.  I suppose we say it to her enough, but the other morning Lee was leaving for work, and rather than just her customary wave, she called out "bye bye!" along with it.  It's like she's finally becoming a real little person all of a sudden.

4. We submitted the offer for our house two weeks ago.  This waiting is not uncommon nor surprising for a short sale.  However, I find myself in a hard-core battle with anxiety over the whole thing.  The listing agent said that she thought the wait would be short; as in three to four weeks.  The thing is, our loan qualification expires on March 28.  We need to be under contract by then in order for it not to expire.  But March 28 is just a little shy of four weeks after the signing of the offer.  I suppose the worst part is that there is nothing I can do about it.  We have literally done everything in our power up to this point.  The bright side is, it's actually made the month of March sail by, rather than dragging like it normally does.  It's flying by for all the wrong reasons, though.

5.  This weekend is my baby bro's high school musical.  (Not to be confused with High School Musical.  They're doing Guys and Dolls.)  And it's big because it's his last one.  Because he is a senior in high school.  Not only do I have to grapple with the fact that I'm turning 30 in a few months, I also have to come to terms with the fact that my baby brother is graduating high school.  And will be able to vote in this year's presidential election.  Apple Ben is practically a full grown man. 
A small Apple Ben holding a small Alaina, July 2008
And a big shout-out to my bro-in-law Nick, on his (33rd?  34th?  46th?) birthday!  Hope it's full of Chick-fil-a good times!

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