Friday, January 7, 2011

Quick 5

Look at us.  Already one whole week in to 2011.

1.  We may be inching toward potty-training.  We talk about it A LOT, and yesterday I heard Alaina call out "Poop in the potty!" I got terribly excited, thinking she was asking to go.  Well, she might have been, but what she really meant was she had just pooped in her diaper.  I think it's an important step, though.

2. On a related note, I told Alaina that once we get to our new house we'll get serious about the potty training.  She replied "A potty train?!  Hippee!"

3.  Packing is actually going well.  It's actually quite a good feeling, since you can see your accomplishments piling up in the corner.  I'm also pleased with the amount of things I'm finding to throw away or give away.

4.  Joya is becoming more and more vocal.  We thought she might be our quiet one, since Alaina talks enough for a whole household, but Joya seems to be staking her claim.  After our 3:30am feeding this morning I put her pack in her bed, wrapped her up tight and stuck her paci in.  She immediately spit it out and spent the next five minutes saying "Aaa!  Aaa!"  She wasn't crabbing...just talking.  I put her paci back in to keep her quiet so we could all go back to sleep, even though it was terribly cute.

5.  I find it simultaneously cute and slightly annoying that Alaina feels she needs to be within 10 feet of me at all times.  The other day I gave her a snack (a small bowl with some Teddy Grahams and a sippy cup of water) and then went into the bathroom and shut the door so I could take care of a little business.  I was seriously in there for only about two minutes, and when I opened the door, I saw that Alaina had brought her bowl and sippy cup and was sitting right outside the bathroom, quietly eating her snack.  So cute.  Yet so sad.

Sorry I don't have too much to say this week.  Our world is being slowly packed away in boxes, and that's what has been taking up most of my free time this week.  Life just keeps moving along.

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